onsdag den 9. marts 2011

South Africa

Se nedenstående interview med Desmond Tutu og FW de Klerk. Steffen Kretz interviewer dem begge i programserien DE SKREV HISTORIE. Programmet beskrives som følger:

Afslutningen på Apartheid i Sydafrika har to ansigter - et sort og et hvidt. FW De Klerk var præsidenten, der opgav magten og lagde et brutalt regime i graven. Desmond Tutu var præsten, der påtog sig at finde sandheden om fortidens grusomheder. På den måde er de to mænds skæbne er uløseligt flettet sammen med Sydafrikas.


mandag den 22. november 2010

Jacob Holdt's America

Videos with and about Jacob Holdt and his work and experiences
Om udstillingen "Tro, håb og kærlighed" i DR
There are more videos about Jacob Holdt and his work on this home page:

Jacob Holdt's Pictures
You can read or listen to Jacob Holdt's description of his pictures on the links below.

The first one is in English, the second is in Danish.

onsdag den 27. oktober 2010

(Your own) questions about Alma

Answer these questions about Alma. The questions are a mix of some your own questions (the difficult ones). Maybe you have answered some of them before. Answer them as a comment to this text.
  1. Why do you think Alma thought she could not defend herself without a gun?
  2. What do you think made Alma move north to her family in Massachusetts?
  3. What do you think turned Alma against guns, when she had had one herself all this time?..
  4. Why do you think Alma never really have voted before now?
  5. Why do you think she started to vote?
  6. What do you think about Almas life before she turned against guns?
  7. What do you think about the laws in Alabama? -what would you change, and why?
  8. How do you think it has affected Alma and her childhood that her sister was killed?
  9. Would all this have happened if Alma had a different childhood? -what could her parents have done?
  10. What do you think about the fact that there is no background check on the people who has gun in USA?
  11. Do you think it is okay that people don’t even have to register when owning a gun?
  12. How can it be that Alma are change her mind, just like that?
  13. How can it be that her sister have to die, before that Alma are waking up?
...And I'll be watching you from Copenhagen :-)

tirsdag den 26. oktober 2010

Tasks for the BBC case study

Read the following texts and answer the questions:

1.    The Gun Control Debate
What is the gun control debate about? How do people argue for and against gun control?

2.    State Laws
Does USA have the same laws about gun control in all states?

3.    Party Division
What is the general opinion of gun control among Democrats and Republicans?

4.    Interest Groups
Find out what a lobby group is. Why do you think there are big lobby groups working for and against gun control in USA?

5.    Alma
 Read the texts about Alma, make 10 questions, and post them on your blog. Answer one of your class mates 10 questions on his or her blog. You can work in groups of two or work individually. Comment on the answers you get.

6.    Brad
Read the texts about Brad. Make 10 questions for the texts. Work in groups with your questions. (In groups of 3)

7.    Facts
What facts do you find interesting and why? Find at least 5 facts. Discuss in groups.

tirsdag den 28. september 2010

Gun control in USA

Get CD-ord or Natural Readers to read the texts for you.

Find the texts here!

Watch the video and answer the questions...

Watch this short video and answer the questions below.

1. What is happening in the video? Explain the situation.
2. Who are the three people in the video?
3. What do you think this short film wants to tell us?
4. Who is right and who is wrong, do you think?

We will discuss the answers in class.

Watch the video here!